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  • هر زمان که بخواهید مي توانيد عضويت خود را لغو کنيد.

جمله های مهم بخش wfd آزمون pte فروردین 98

97 2 100 1

1 Some/most of these/the features are/were part of the previous research/system.
2 Students are instructed to submit their assignment before/by (next) Sunday/Friday
3 All of the assignments should be submitted in person to the faculty office.
4 Graduates should purchase an academic gown for the commencement.
5 The commissioner collects portions of funds for authorities.
6 The ways in which people communicate are constantly changing.
7 The commissioner will collect fines for the sovereignty.
8 Students can contact with their tutors by email.
9 Clinical placement for nursing prepares students for professional practice.
10 That means that we have some (too many) struggling overlaps!
11 Those students seeking further (a formal) extension should talk to their faculty for more
13 Students are (strictly) required to submit their assignments by next Friday.
14 Campus tours run daily during summer for prospective students.
15 We cannot consider increasing the price at this stage.
16 We cannot consider an increase in prices at this stage.
17 We cannot consider any increase our price at this stage.
18 The article refers to the number of interesting experiments.
19 The article illustrates a number of interesting experiments.
20 The sociology department is highly regarded worldwide.
21 Some of the features are part of previous research.
22 The qualification will be assessed (by) using (a) criterion-referenced approach
23 The qualification will be assessed by using a conference criterion to approach.
24 She used to be an editor of the students' newspaper.
25 Behind the group/garage there is a flat cart drawn by mules.
26 The same issue reached the same (both) explanation of the problem.
27 Our professor is hosting a business development (developing) conference.
28 The first assignment will be due on the fourteenth of September.
29 The massive accumulation of data is (was) converted into a communicable argument.
30 Native speakers are always exempted in the exam for their own language.
31 It is absolutely vital to allocate your resources.
32 Students' concession cards need to be obtained by completing an application form.
33 University departments should carefully monitor articles and (other) publications by faculty.
34 Supply and demand is one of the most fundamental factors/concepts of/in (that) economics.
35 You can/should contact all/to your tutors by e-mail.
36 It is hard to anticipate all the characters that were in react.
37 It was hard to anticipate how all the characters would react.
38 While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issue must first be addressed.
39 Everyone (all staff) must evacuate the premises during the fire drill.
40 The theme of the instrumental work exhibits more of a demure, compositional style.
41 The toughest part of research for postgraduate students is funding.
42 Clinical placement(s) in nursing prepare(s) students in clinical practice.
43 The business development (policy) seminar includes an internship with a local firm.
44 Synopsis contains the most important information.
45 An aerial photograph was promptly registered for federal evaluations.
46 The aerial photographs were promptly registered for federal/further evaluation.
47 Participants initially select from a range of foundation subjects.
48 The evaluation form will be/are reviewed by university personnel.
49 The aerial photographs were promptly registered for thorough evaluation.
50 The Chemistry building is located near the entrance of the campus.
51 Climate change is (now) an acceptable/accepted phenomenon amongst/between the group
52 of reputable scientists.
53 Climate change is becoming an acceptable phenomenon amongst the/some group of
54 reputable scientists.
55 The railway (railways) made long-distance travel possible for everyone.
56 The theme of instrumental work exhibits a more demure compositional style.
57 Participants are initially selected from a range of foundation subjects.
58 Students/you have the option to live in college residences or apartments.
59 Traffic is the main cause for pollution in main cities.
60 Control systems in manufacturing require a high level of accuracy.
61 Most of the (many) students have not considered this issue before.
62 Many graduates studying journalism get jobs in communications field.
63 They were struggling (since) last year to make their service paid.
64 You may/will need to purchase an academic gown before commencing/the commencement.
65 You should purchase an academic gown before the commencement.
66 You are required to complete your research paper by next Monday.
67 Scientists are always asking the government for more money.
68 Animals raised in captivity behave differently with/than their wild counterparts.
69 Before submitting your dissertation, your advisor must approve your application.
70 The city's founder(s) created a set of rules that became (the) law.
71 The students must/should submit their assignments before(by) Friday.
72 Observers waited nervously and held/obtained the/their breath for the concert.
73 Observers waited nervously and kept their breath for concert.
74 Observers/spectators waited nervously with/and bated breath for the concert.
75 Submitting assignments before due date on 14th of September
76 The nation achieved prosperity by opening its ports (exports) for trade.
77 It is absolutely vital that you acknowledge all your sources.
78 Artists tied with the conservative politicians earned the roles/rules/rows of critics/critiques.
79 Review all sources before drawing any conclusions.
80 A party is/was thrown in the/a small meeting room.
81 I thought it was/is thrown in the/a small meeting room.
82 When workers ask for raises in wages (higher wages), the companies raise prices.
83 Article numbers are collected through interesting experiments.
84 Railways make long-distant travel possible for everyone.
85 Free campus tours run daily in summer for prospective students.
86 Mutually exclusive events are neither complementary nor opposite.
87 Mutually exclusive events can be described as either complementary or opposite.
88 Teaching assistants will receive a monthly stipend for housing.
89 Students were instructed to submit their assignments by (before) Friday.
90 Radio is a popular form of entertainment(s) throughout the world.
91 If finance is the cause of concern, scholarships maybe available.
92 Those who seek for (a) formal extension should contact their faculty for information.
93 Tribes "vied"/vibes with each other to build monolithic statues.
94 Tribes work(ed) with each other to build monolithic statues.
95 Your lowest quiz grade has been omitted in the calculations.
96 The library holds substantial (collection of) materials on economic history.
97 The morning's lecture on economic policy has been canceled.
98 we study science to understand and appreciate the world.
99 We study science to understand and appreciate the world around us.
100 The placement test for(of) mathematics and statistics is offered in this semester.
101 Assignments should be submitted to the department before the deadline.
102 Good research (paper) delivers practical benefits for real people.
103 The teacher asked the students(group) to commence the task.
104 Students are/were instructed to hand in their assignments by the end of this week.
105 The commissioner will push fund for the sovereignty/authorities.
106 you are required to complete your assignment by Monday.
107 Reference (Resource) materials are on hold at the library reference desk.
108 Native speakers are exempt from language tests in their own language.
109 The graduates in (of) journalism could get jobs in communications field.
110 The lowest quiz grade will be omitted from the calculations.
111 The commissioner will portion (the) funds among (the) authorities/sovereignties.
112 The famed instrumental work exhibited more of a demure, compositional style.
113 When workers ask for an increase in wages, the company raises its prices.
114 They have been struggling since last month to make their service paid.
115 Graduates of this field get jobs in the communications field.
116 This issue features both explanation of the problem.
117 Students are required to complete their research paper by next Monday.
118 The chemistry building is located at the entrance to campus.
119 The article verifies a number of interesting experiments.
120 The commissioner (will) collect portion of funds for/among authorities.
121 The application process is/takes longer than expected.
122 The printer automatically prints two sides of each page/paper.
123 There are a wide variety of habitats and species In this area.
124 The bus to London will leave ten minutes later than expected/planned.
125 You must/need to answer (to) the security questions, while you are changing your password.
126 The blue whales are the largest animals/mammals ever known to have lived on earth.
127 There is a widely believed perception that engineering is for boys.
128 The ship wrecked the year of artifacts what interested by historians.
129 Shipwreck items interest of Historians …
130 Salt is produced from (the) seawater and extracted from the ground.
131 All assignments should be submitted before the fourteenth of September.
132 The first assignment should be submitted to the department of university.
133 You are not required special knowledge to enjoy this book.
134 The area has a number of underwater habitats and species.
135 Psychology departments are looking for volunteers.
136 She used to be in her office, but today she is missed.
137 You do not need to have a special knowledge to understand this book.
138 All the area environment has been devastated the habitat (lives) of different species.
139 Journalism faces the crises in the light of the digital revolution.
140 Today's lecture on economic development has been cancelled.
141 This area has wide diversity of underwater habitat and species.
142 Time and distance are used to calculate speed.
143 The minister ...previous appointment(s).
144 Make sure you choose a course with good prior opportunities.
145 Jobs require….high skill levels.
146 His appointment as minister culture was seen as demotion.
147 Courses are assessed by group work and individual assignment.
148 The dining hall will undergo renovations during the fall break.
149 The museum is closed on Thursday morning every month.
150 Castle was designed to intimidate both local people and the enemies.
151 The news is not received until the following week.
152 Graphs and charts allowed data more easily to be understood.
153 In our campus, prospective students have access to thirteen college libraries.
154 Artists need to work both original and accessible…
155 A bilingual does not necessary …
156 Renovation works have been undertaken throughout the building.
157 It is necessary to dress formally for the graduation ceremony.
158 social media is criticized of causing internet addiction.
159 The arts gallery shows interesting experiences.
160 Measures must be taken to prevent unemployment rate from increasing.
161 The toughest part of postgraduate educations is funding.
162 We need to answer security questions if we want to reset the password.
163 The toughest part of a postgraduate study is funding.
164 and Scientists were unsure when ... leave/left Africa.
165 Please contact all your tutors by e-mail.
166 The courses tomorrow require higher skill levels.
167 the shipwreck of this year ruined some artifacts which were interested by historians.
168 Career service provides tips and hints on job interviews.
169 Horizontal line on the graph indicates there is no change.
170 The researchers are disappointed that their materials are proved to be inconclusive.
171 Your papers are reviewed by university faculty.
173 Time and distance are measured for speed.
174 You do not need to be specialized to enjoy the book.

جمله های مهم بخش wfd آزمون pte فروردین 98


تاریخ انتشار: 1398/03/26

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    Behind the garage there is a flat car drawn by mules.

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